Woes of working moms – 5 golden tips to sail through smoothly

If you ask me to frame what it’s like to be a working mom in a sentence –“It’s not easy! But it’s fulfilling!” 

For all the working mothers out there, I know exactly what you are going through and how you feel.

Do you feel guilty ?

Don’t be! Because you are doing the right thing. And, your baby will be proud of you when he/ she grows up. 

Struggling to juggle work and the baby?

It’s tough, but not impossible. Plan well and you will sail through. Remember it’s just a phase.

Annoyed about all the free advice you have been getting on quitting your job?

IGNORE! in bold letters!

You think you are being unfair to your baby?

Not at all! Your baby is okay, don’t worry. You are being fair to yourself and trying to feel a little human :p

Being a working mom myself, I have a few tips to share to make this (comparatively) phase smoother.

Here’s how to make your life as a working mother easy –

1. Plan, plan, plan!

Planning and organizing well in advance is the game changer here.

> Plan your next day the night before.

> List out the things you need to do both at work and home

> Prioritize and delegate

You will save a lot of time (and, if you do well, you may even get time to polish your nails! :P)

2. Take a break!

Guilty moms relax – It’s completely normal to feel the way you do. You are not alone!

But, you deserve a break!

Once in a month, try and have someone to babysit your little one so that you can have some time to yourself. Meet your friends, visit the salon, do what you like.

Remember, amidst all the chaos, you are also important.

3. Family Time

Work hard over the week – Shut yourself from work on weekends.

Weekends should be family time. Plan some fun activities with the baby.

Build on the ‘WE time’. Make more memories.

4. Ask for help

Don’t hesitate to ask for help or support. Be it from your parents, in-laws or whoever you trust.

A small favor can also be a huge savior since you will almost never have enough time to get through the endless things needing to be done.

5. Let go of perfection

I know we women like everything to be absolutely perfect. But, sooner we learn to accept imperfections, easier it will be manage work and home efficiently. Plus, remember – perfection doesn’t exist! No, it doesn’t!

It’s all very challenging. Very hectic. Very stressful (At times you may even feel like you are losing your mind) – But at the end of it all – it’s worth it – because, you feel like you. And, that is really important.

All the working mothers out there, please share your thoughts on this topic – about your experience, how you feel about juggling work and baby, tips and more ideas to get sailing through this phase smoothly. Would love to hear from you 🙂

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